Where do you get your motivation from and do you get if from an internal or an external factor?
Hi and welcome back to BarrWord.com. Today we are looking at motivation and how we get it and where if comes from. Stick around I think you‘ll find it valuable when it comes to achieving your goals
Have you ever gone and saw a speaker or a movie that inspired you? You come away from that event and you are “over the moon” with drive to change yourself and the world around you. You have the best of intentions but the typical experience is probably that your motivation has an expiration date.
You can read about a successful person and feel motivated by their success. You feel motivated to change but it doesn’t take long and you are back to the original you. No breakthrough, No giant jump forward, just a return to the person you are today without the transformation you wanted.
But wait, there are strategies you can apply in order to motivate yourself to make the necessary changes to achieve your goals. These strategies are simple but don’t let that fool you into thinking they are easy. You will have to make them part of your daily regimen. This is never easy because we have a hard time changing any habit, but part of achieving your goals is to grow into them. If growth was not necessary you’d already have achieved them. So lets get started.
1. Love the person in the mirror. Part of being realistic about your goals is accepting who you are. It’s absolutely essential to love who you are, what you’ve become and what you are becoming. It is impossible to stay self-motivated if you do not like the person in the mirror.
If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner. — Zig Ziglar
• Reaffirm your success is dependent on loving the person you see each and every morning.
Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have. — Zig Ziglar
• Remind yourself most of us are here for a bigger mission than we can imagine.
You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness. –Zig Ziglar
2. Accept the stage in life at this particular moment. You are exactly where you need to be at every moment but you will need to grow to make it to your next level. Remember that things happen in their own time will make you comfortable with what you’ve already achieved.
• Keep in mind that you can be comfortable where you but that doesn’t mean you can’t strive for greater success.
• Remember that you’ve done your best to get where you but you will need to grow and change to keep you pushing forward.
• Write a list of things you’ve achieved, whether big or small, add to the list every couple days and combine them at the end of the month and take an overall look at your awesomeness! You will be amazed at the progress
3. Surround yourself with positive things and people. Positive things can come from the things you choose to do, recordings you wish to listen to or books you like to read. It can also come from the people you surround yourself with. Stay away from negative people as best as you can.
It’s safe to say that positive thinking won’t let you do “anything.” However, it is even safer to say that positive thinking will let you do “everything” better than negative thinking will — Zig Ziglar
• Watch movies that empower and uplift you.
• Do things with your friends that build encouragement.
• Put yourself in situations where you’ll come out the other end smiling.
4. Never miss the opportunity to be the Good Samaritan. It doesn’t have to be a big thing but you should help others from the goodness of your heart. You should look for ways to help but never helping for personal gain or recognition. When you help others and see the positive impact, you naturally feel better about yourself. It could be a few dollars to a stranger or helping a elderly person with something around the house.
• A helpful act with a positive outcome is super inspiring. Seeing the difference you can make in others’ lives can be pretty cool!
• Knowing that you’re assistance was important to someone else’s can make you feel worthwhile. It encourages you to keep helping. It gives your life a purpose.
5. Focus on smaller goals. Break down those huge long term goals down into smaller mile stones. Reaching for and missing broad, can have a damping effect and can be very de-motivating. When you’re unreasonable with your time lines and push yourself beyond your natural capabilities, you end up feeling disappointed when you miss the mark.
“Failure is an event not a person” — Zig Ziglar
• Why not break your major goal into smaller, tangible ones? Then focus on one part at a time, with each part being another step closer to success!
“Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success.” –Zig Ziglar
• Celebrate whenever you achieve a goal – large or small. Every success proves to yourself that you can do it which motivates you to keep going.
If you approach this as a daily regimen, in the same way a professional sports player looks at each training day. What are your goals for this day? focus on one day at a time. What can you achieve when you hit your target, day after day? What do you focus on when you feel like giving up?
You are the person that will have the biggest impact on you success. Its a funny thing that in order for others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself. Tell yourself you’re worth every bit of success that comes your way.
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” –Zig Ziglar
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