We can spend a lot of time looking for motivation from outside factors, like your work or your friends but how often do you get it and how long does it last?
Hi and welcome back to Barr World and today I’d like us to focus on get your motivation from you, because there will be times when you just feel like you don’t have the motivation to continue. This is when you will have to reach deep and be your own motivator.
If you’re like most people, your typical experience is probably that external motivation doesn’t last as long as you want it. You can read about or hear about a successful person and feel motivated by their success for a short time. But what happens when you aren’t able to achieve similar success in short time period?
Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to motivate yourself! The more you use these the better you will get at them. To get the most out of them you should make them part of you daily routine
1. Love the face in the mirror. Every morning you are provided with the opportunity to accept who you are! It’s vitally important to love who you are and what you’ve become. Its really hard to be successful if you can’t love yourself.
• Remind yourself that you’re here for a bigger mission in life then the ones you have accomplished.
• Restore the peace of mind that comes with self-acceptance. Doing this every day allows it to be engrained in your soul.
“I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am” –John Newton
2. Accept the stage in life you’re in. You are exactly where you are until you grow to be a bigger person. Your ability to accept that things happen in their own time regardless of how much you work for them will make you comfortable with what you’ve already achieved.
• Bear in mind that being comfortable where you are doesn’t mean you can’t strive for something better.
• Knowing that you’ve done your best to get where you are is enough to keep pushing you forward.
• Write a list of things you’ve achieved, whether big or small throughout your day. Combine them at the end of the week or month and take an overall look at what you have accomplished. You will be so surprised and the amount of stuff you have completed
3. Surround yourself with positive people and positive things. Get some positive people who you can get around regularly. It’s just so much easier to be upbeat and positive when you’re surrounded by positive people, you can’t help but maintain positivity!
• Watch movies that empower and uplift you.
• Read a positive book.
• Do things with your friends that build encouragement.
• Put yourself in situations where you’ll come out the other end smiling.
4. Give a helping hand out of the goodness of your heart. Just help someone. Avoid helping for personal gain or recognition. When you help others and see the positive impact, you naturally feel better about yourself.
• One helpful act with a positive outcome is usually very inspiring. Seeing the difference you can make in other people’s lives proves that you’re pretty awesome!
• Knowing that you’re important to someone else’s well-being can make you feel worthwhile. It encourages you to keep helping.
5. Focus on baby step goals. You wouldn’t try to climb a set of 10 stairs in one step so why do you try to achieve your goals all in one step? Break them up into smaller goals. When you’re unreasonable with your capabilities, you end up feeling disappointed when you miss the mark.
• Why not break your major goal into smaller, tangible ones? You’ll be able to focus on one part at a time, with each part being another step closer to success!
• Celebrate whenever you achieve a goal – large or small. Proving to yourself that you can do it motivates you to keep going.
Approach this regiment in the same way a professional sports player approaches training day. What are your goals for the day? What can you achieve when you hit each target? What do you focus on when you feel like giving up?
You are your own biggest fan. In order for others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself!
Hope this helps. Drop me a line about how you keep yourself motivated?
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