Having a negative personality and thoughts will defiantly hinder your efforts to achieve your goals. Being Negative will make it very hard to live, learn, and grow?
Our personal beliefs about yourself and your life matter more than you ever imagine. In fact, those beliefs become the very foundation upon which you build your life.
Hi and welcome back to Barr World and today we are going to explore how your thoughts may be holding you back from achieving your goals.
My favorite book says “ For as he thinks in his heart, so is he….” Proverbs 23:7
So being negative hurts who? Well it hurts a lot of people but the person that it damages the most is the negative person themselves. Stinkin thinkin kills more hope, limits more people and kills more opportunities than we can count.
Maybe you have heard people say the following negative things:
· “I’ll never be able to have enough money for retirement.”
· “I guess I won’t ever fall in love again.”
· “Why can’t I find any trustworthy friends?”
· “I’ll be fat forever.”
· “I’m sure Pat will get that promotion over me.”
· “I wish I could take a vacation to Europe, but I know I could never afford it.”
· “How will I ever live the life I want earning what I earn now?”
If you identified some of stinkin thinkin while reading the above examples, you need to change your thinking patterns.
Work harder on yourself than you do on your job—Jim Rohn
Focus on these strategies to start thinking in a new direction:
1. Watch the label. If you see yourself as “poor” financially, then you might unconsciously strive to match that label. Or if you think of yourself as “fat” you may be unable to imagine yourself as beautiful and thin. So watch the self-talk.
2. Take baby steps. When you continually move towards your goals, you’ll gain the momentum to keep on going. Rather than think you’re unable to achieve success, break the plan up into achievable steps to keep the goal in reach.
For example, perhaps you’d like a European vacation. Instead of believing you’ll never get there, establish a small weekly savings goal of $20, and keep putting the money aside until you have enough.
Losing weight is hard when you think of the entire goal all at once but if you break it down into what you have to be in a week will make it a lot easier.
3. Give yourself a break. Learn to cut yourself some slack. You do this by giving yourself the benefit of the doubt. Think positive thoughts such as, “I can do this.”
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right –Henry Ford
4. Take some action. Instead of insisting you’ll “never” do something, say that you can, and then get to work on it. There is nothing like a couple of success to turn those negatives into positives, which will boost your self-esteem. Trust that you can accomplish, succeed, and prevail.
Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness. –Zig Ziglar
5. What is truth? Is your self-talk really true? Have you ever caught yourself thinking the most bizarre thoughts and gave yourself a shake and asked “Is what I’m thinking really true?” Most time you’ll get a resounding NO.
- Is it an absolute reality that you’ll never be able to save any money at all for a vacation? If you saved a dime for you vacation you would prove this wrong.
- Take some action and change your mindset by beginning your vacation fund today. At the end of the day, put all your change into a jar.
- Question your self-limiting thoughts. When you realize they’re unrealistic, untrue, and within your power to change, you’ll be able to break away.
6. Recognize how powerful your negative thoughts are. You create who you are by what you think about yourself. Why not turn those positive thoughts that will drive you towards the things that you want in life?
Positive thinking won’t let you do anything, but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. – Zig Ziglar
7. Don’t go around the mountain one more time. Learn from your own mistakes. It’s over and you cannot change it. So instead of using your past against yourself, think about the knowledge you’ve gained from each experience.
- Rather than getting bogged down with self-limiting thoughts, reflect on the shortcomings of your past do a bit of self-examination and discover what part did you played in the event. If you proactively learn from your past mistakes, you’ll make healthier choices in the future.
When you apply the above strategies to your life, you’ll see the possibilities that are all around you. You can do anything you set your mind to. Extinguish those self-limiting beliefs right now so you can start embracing the good life that’s yours for the taking.
Do you have some ways that you change your thinking? Why not leave a comment and we can all share.
Chat soon and God Bless