Hope you’re having a good day. I had a great lunch on Friday.
I think we should have the goal setting and mastermind conversation sooner than later. So next time we get together we should make that part of the agenda.
I’ll work out some ideas and send them to you. Let me see how next week is going and maybe we could have coffee on Friday?
I know there is a lot of data here. But take it in chunks
My takeaways from Friday are as follows
Finish My “Goal Setting Series”
- Get the Membership portion of “Barr World” working and setup us as the first members.
- Find, Steal, develop some type of template to help capture the thoughts of our bi-weekly get together
- Need a standard form to collect thoughts and be able to post then so they don’t get lost
- Help us to see the progress
- Keep us on target
- Encourage us when we hit the wall
- Give us enough information to remember WHY we did something
- Type up the list of “business words” to use as tag lines (undone from last meeting. My bad.)
I think your takeaways was to
Post the retooling article
- Develop a list of articles about retooling. (I’ve had a chance to think about retooling and thought I would send some thoughts. How come it soooooo easy for me to create ideas for your blog and I struggle to get ideas for mine)
- Education
- Formal education
- on-line
- in class (night school)
- full time classes
- Non Formal
- Books your profession
- Magazines
- Trade Announcements
- Did you know you can set up an alert in Google that sends you an email every time someone posts an article about your industry?
- Press releases
- Conferences
- Start your own industry blog
- FYI, check with your employer to make sure your blog doesn’t go against a company policy ( no need to get fired because you are trying to better yourself)
- Mentoring
- Teach someone else what you do
- Develops your training skills
- Makes you think through what you’re doing and you can see the flaws in your actions
- Try something new
- Ask your clients for feedback
- Be willing to listen
- Take an interest in them and their business
- If you have to work with them you might as well get to know them
- If they move on to other jobs you might be able to generate some new business
- Ask about your clients direction and see if you can get ahead of them to remain a supplier
- Ask your employer about upcoming projects
- Research them so you become the go to person
- Develop your skills to make it harder to let you go
- Develop your goals ( this is where my blog comes in)
- Join or create a mastermind group.
- Secure group to develop ideas
- Makes you accountable for your progress
- Teach someone else what you do
- Formal education
- Education
Future projects we talked about
- Retooling
- for seniors
- Tooling for youth
- We could approach the City for funding
- We could use church’s and focus on youth groups and seniors groups
- It may fit in with the FMC Financial training
- Book reviews for both Blogs
- Goal setting seminars
Future Meeting
Review our personal goals for business
I was doing some research on goals and can across this while I was looking for some data about the results of goal setting.
For years we have heard about the “famous” survey done at Harvard and Yale about goals and goal setting. Authors have used this data to prove that goals provide the reason that some succeed and others don’t.
But these two studies are a myth……
All is not lost because a study done by Dominican University would conclude that goal setting still is worth the effort. I’ve attached the report.
I have done some editing on the articles I sent you and I hope to have them posted to start coming out on Monday.
Chat Soon