Any project is exciting when you just start but as you move along sometimes you get stuck, slowed down or just stopped. This happens with almost every project when you seem to run out of steam well before you’re done. This is a dangerous time for your goals because this is when you are most likely to give up and throw in the towel. If you have ever moved out of your comfort zone you know what I’m talking about.
You start to play mind games with yourself. You will start to convince yourself that it’s too hard, that it wasn’t your dream anyway and that it was just a fantasy. And your dream dies. And when your dream dies, you die, a little.
I want to help you; really. I want to get you past this dangerous point in your quest I want you to push through the moment.
But first you need to answer a questions.
Do you know the why? Have you really thought about why you are giving up your time, energy and money? Have you taken the time to set the goals for your online business so you have a reason to keep going? We need to get past the superficial goals like “financial freedom” and “more time with the family” and get to specific goals that have teeth.
Now before you start commenting about my lack of family values and that I must be a communist because I don’t support goals like financial freedom, let me clarify.
Financial freedom is not a goal, it’s a dream. It’s way too vague and doesn’t have a time line so it can never be achieved. Instead “I have online business’s that generates $X of cash flow per month by Y date.” is a goal that can be measured and it has a sense of urgency.
Spending more time with the family is a dream. “My business generates my desired cash flow of $X per month so I can spend X hours with my family per week” is a goal.
Your goals are your WHY. So instead of focusing on the pain of trying to get your web page setup, working on an article that you need to post, or making a phone call that could be painful, focus on your goals. Your goals have to be bigger than the pain of failure.
I you haven’t taken the time to set your goals STOP EVERYTHING and get a piece of blank paper and start getting them down on paper.
Not so sure how….. well stay tuned
Drop me an email and we can spend a few minutes clarifying your goals
Chat soon