I had a great time as usual.
I thought we would both benefit from a little debrief from this morning about what where the take aways
We both have a need to be moving forward in a business of some type
- We are unsure what that looks like
- It may be consulting via web
- It may be training classes
- 5-10 people
- 3-4 months
- One Saturday morning a month
- Zero to dollars in 4 months
- Focus on goal setting and motivation along with building the web site.
- Touch point once a week to help each person be successful
- Possible long term consulting
- Develop the course to make it done on-line
- We want to make sure we add above average value
- Most of the web business are focused on techniques and the money but what is missing is the motivation part that drives people when they hit the hard spots
Individual takeaways
- Start updating your Blog
- See if you can get an email subscription list going
- Focus on mastermind
- History
- Not a new idea
- This will require some research
- Continue to develop web site
- Create content for site
- Get posted ASAP
- Work on SEO tags for Wayne’s Site
- Work on some keywords
- Develop some “How to” about building a web site
I’m sure there was more but this is the high lights I remember. All and all a very productive morning
Chat soon