Have you ever had something stolen from you? Most of us at one time or another has had something stolen from us. How did that make you feel? Where you angry frustrated or maybe just disappointed that someone would take something from you.
Hi and welcome back to BarrWorld I hope you have enjoyed the various blogs that I have written about success and improvement. Today I like to talk about something that all of us have had to deal with in one way or another. Today I want to talk about the people in our life that steal our dreams. They are well-meaning but misguided people that try to “protect” you from yourself and your “wild silly dreams”. I call these people Dream Killers.
Who said it could not be done? And what great victories has he to his credit which qualify him to judge others accurately? — Napoleon Hill.
Dream killers are people who constantly shoot down your aspirations with harsh negativity. I learned that when people can’t see themselves reaching for the stars they can’t, or rather don’t, want to see you reaching them as well. These dream killers can be friends, family or acquaintances. When you share your goals with these people all they can do is tell you everything that could go wrong and how unattainable success really is.
The sad thing is that some of the dream killers don’t really offer these words of “wisdom” with malice, but see themselves as just being “realistic.” They feel that dreams are not reality and therefore it is there job to bring you back down to earth with their cynicism. Others believe they are simply warning you that things don’t always go the way you want and that you should be prepared for disappointment. Then we have the regular old haters who realize that you have a great idea and admire your ambition, but they can’t fathom the idea of supporting you.
Don’t let anyone steal your dream! The world is full of dream killers – people whose sole mission in life is to sabotage you and your dream. They look for ways to crush your energy and deaden your life force by highlighting uncertainty, reminding you of what you don’t have or what you may need. They point out weaknesses, mistakes, setbacks and past losses when you turn to them for encouragement. – Les Brown
The way to avoid dream killers is by keeping your dreams to yourself. Let your work and eventual success speak for you. Others will be surprised when they discover how well you are doing and you will simply chuckle to yourself because this was part of your plan all the time.
We don’t have to babble to everyone about every good idea that comes into our heads but we do have to persist with that idea. Jim Rohn talks about what he often heard elderly people talk about. He said that talked most about failures and regrets. Jim went on to talk about what the differences are, with failures weighing ounces and regrets weighing tons.
We never really know what others think of you. In all actuality, I think the negativity is a sign of how they view themselves because they can’t offer encouragement for something that they can’t see themselves doing. They are the ones stuck and they don’t want you to leave them behind so they pull you down.
They are complacent with being mediocre and can’t understand those who want to go beyond the status quo. I have seen super excited people get discouraged about something as fundamental as pursuing a higher education after sharing that idea with a few friends and relatives.
Choose carefully who you share your dreams with. Seek out supporters that will encourage you and hold you accountable and make you stretch for your dream. And be the type of person that people will share their dreams with and encourage them. You will be happier and wealthier for the experience.
The best revenge is massive success. Frank Sinatra
Do you have a dream that you let some steal from you? Drop me a email and lets see if we can breath some life back into it.
God Bless and we will chat soon.
Leave me a comment or if you have a question of email me at Percy@barrworld.com