A question that a lot of people are asking is how to become a millionaire? It’s a question that everyone wants an answer to. What is the secret to extraordinary financial success? Is it grit, is it determination, is it luck, or is it who you know?
Hi and welcome back to BarrWorld.com and today we are looking at a book that I had the pleasure of reading call The Eventual Millionaire by Jaime Tardy.
This book is an encouragement for anyone that has a desire to get in business or needs a bit of reinforcement to continue on with their business quest.
An Eventual Millionaire is a person who knows they will be a millionaire, eventually. But they are dedicated to becoming a millionaire on their own terms. They want an enjoyable business and an enjoyable life.
I like to help people put money back in its place. Where people control money and money doesn’t control people. – Jaime Tardy
Jaime was a project manager for a computer company that supplied equipment to cable companies. She had the big house with the pool and 2 cars, big job with the big paycheck. But she also hated her job, was 25 pounds overweight, with $70,000 of short term debt and a $240,000 mortgage and pregnant with her first child. She and her husband came to some serious conclusions that this could not continue.
16 months later the short term debt was gone, she had quit her job to raise her son. The book walks you through some of the very useful and radical spending decisions they made as they eliminated the debt in 16 months and started to look for a business that suited her real interests and could be done without interfering with her new role as “Mom”.
So if you’re going to do away with this money issue in your life and enjoy the journey, why not ask people who have made the trek to becoming millionaires and get them to tell you what they did and see what you can do with this knowledge. Jamie has interviewed over a 100 millionaires and took what she learned and wrote a book about her findings. Jaime was looking for patterns when she was doing these interviews. Then she modeled her coaching business around what had worked for other people.
The book goes through the steps that millionaires have taken to make their money and more importantly what they did to find meaning in their life. In fact many times in the book the realization that money will not make you happy is pointed out.
I found this book to be refreshing because it wasn’t all chasing money with chapter subheadings like “Figure out how to save Money”, “Find a problem and solve it” to “Create a Mastermind Group” and “Keep Learning”. You will also learn that the people interviewed have fears and worries just like us and that the money didn’t make them go away.
This book has a lot of great information that is important for anyone looking to go into business for themselves, and the secret is we are all in business for ourselves. What I really found great about this book is that it would provide hope for anyone that is stuck. There are a lot of next steps that anyone could take and help themselves with the journey.
Once you purchase the book you will get access to the companion website includes an “Eventual Millionaire Starter Kit” with worksheets, business plan documents, and much more. This by itself is worth the cost of the book.
The one page business plan template is a great example of what Jaime took from the people she interviewed.
Jaime main site is here. She also has a Podcast which you can get to from her main site
Chat Soon and God Bless