Well its been a busy with a lot of stuff that needs to get done and not much of it is moving me forward. We all get to that point sometimes where life has you chasing your tail. So the first thing to do is realize this happens to all of us. They call it the “rat race”.
Zig Ziglar tells about the processionary caterpillar so named because the move by connecting themselves in a single line creating what looks like a string of caterpillars. A researcher took a bunch of these caterpillars and arranged them in a circle. He put pine needles in the center of the circle which is the food for the processionary caterpillar. For 9 days they went round and round never stopping. After 10 days they all died of exhaustion and starvation less than 3 inches from all the food they needed. I know I have been preaching on action but don’t confuse activity with accomplishment.
It is so easy to get and stay busy. There is always one more task that needs to get done or an errand that needs to be run. We get caught up in the urgent and forget the important. We all know of people in our lives at home, church or at work that are busy all the time but get nothing done.
So what can we do? Well you should be much farther ahead of the rest of crowd because
· We have goals so we know what we are supposed to be doing
· We read them daily to remind ourselves of them
· We have short term goals (90 to 120 days)
· We have broken those goals down into action steps that we have to do this month or this week or today
· We review, reset, teak, our actions steps to reach our goals.
In other words we have a plan and we act on our plan.
So when you get caught up in the “rat race” of life and you will. Remember that it’s ok. It’s great when you can spend all your time on your goals but that’s not how life works. If you don’t work on your goals for a day or two, that’s ok. But if it starts to be a week and you haven’t done anything? Take a moment, figure out how and when you can get back to making progress, do something small. Remind yourself of why you have these goals in the first place.
Soon you will be back on track building the life you want not the life you settled for
Thanks for reading and drop me an email and if you dare tell me what’s distracted you from your goals. I’d love to hear from you.
Chat soon