Having goals will help you achieve the future you’re looking for. You will have some of life’s most satisfying experiences when you are focused on a goal and working on achieve them. Yet if you are like most people you’ll experience times when, no matter how hard you try, you’re stymied by obstacles blocking the way.
Obstacles can come in all forms. Some of the typical blocks to goal achievement are:
- A lack of creativity. You might have a mental block and can’t see how best to work toward attaining what you’re goals. Perhaps you’ve run out of ideas to make it happen from where you are to where you want to be.
- Negative thinking. We’ve all been plagued by negative thinking or “Stinkin Thinking” You feel overwhelmed with the feeling that you’re just not going to be able to achieve your dreams. Negative thinking is a dangerous potent block, because once it begins no progress is possible and it tends to escalate until it become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- Lagging confidence. This can follow closely on the heels of negative thinking. A lack of confidence is the bane of all goal achievement. You will begin to seriously question your skills and abilities to complete the work to reach your goal.
- Misguided Focus. Who among us can claim we’ve never lost our way on the path toward our dream goals and your dream life? We want to reach that milestone but let the urgent keep you from the important. It’s hard to work on an important project when your spouse keeps asking you why you aren’t spending time with the kids?
- Lack of effort. Every goal requires you to work and persevere to reach success. A goal without action is wishful thinking.
- Time commitments. Making headway toward goals is challenging enough adding in the irritation of not enough time will drive you crazy with the lack of progress.
- Vague Goal. Lack of clarity about your goals will make it a challenge to continue steadily toward your achieving them.
So how do you move forward?
Now that you have a good idea of what you might encounter on your way to goal quest. Take some time to review the suggestions below to understand how to avoid them.
- Focus on the end Goal. Develop pictures in your mind of what you are working to achieve. Create a detailed storyboard of your action plan. By designing a vision board of the steps you need to take to your goal, you will excited about how your life will differ after achieving your goal.
- Stop the Stinkin Thinking. It’s easy to have negative thinking creep in. Stop it now. No good can come from it. Say a Prayer about what you’re thankful for. Remind yourself about your past victories, you can do it and you will do it.”
- Remember past achievements. You have come a long way in this life already. Focus on a past victory. Your past victory came with its own challenges and you won, why not now?? Use this trip down memory lane to build your confidence.
- Commit to goals. Remind yourself daily about the “WHY” you want to reach you’re goal. Is it money or getting a better job, living in a place you prefer, or maybe protecting your family’s future? Stay focused and on course by re-committing to goals each day.
- ACTION. Nothing happens with our working on your goals. Even a small action is better than nothing. You’ve got to put in the work. All your effort will, in the end, be worth it.
- Plan you’re Time. If you don’t keep a calendar now, start. When do you have free time? Mark it down and create a schedule. Also have a plan about what you are going to do with you focused time. Make your plan and work your plan. You will be amazed at what you can get done,
- Clarify goals. Write them down, be specific, be detailed, and describe the colour, the feel, the smell if you can. Post pictures everywhere inside your house, briefcase, and calendar. When you’re sure about what you want, then you can focus on what gets you moving toward those goals.
The obstacles can be walls or just a bump in the road. They will slow you down and distract you but if you can identify them and examine the sources of the blocks, you can determine the size of the problem, develop solutions or use some time-tested strategies to move beyond those challenges and claim your success.
Whatever you do, get back on track and start moving forward.
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