Do you like Mondays? If you do your in the minority. Have you ever wondered why?
Welcome back to and I hope you enjoy are look at the first workday of the week. I find it fascinating that most people have this dislike for one day of the week.
Monday, Monday
So good to me
Monday morning
It was all I hoped it would be — Mamas and Papas
This “hate” of Monday is so common that it has its own label called “Monday Blues”. Really, I’m not making this up. Monday Blues has symptoms such as depression, tiredness, hopelessness and as general sense that work is unpleasant and unavoidable. The commonality is that everyone diagnosed with this going to a job they hate.
“The number-one killer in this country is heart disease. And the majority of people suffer their first major heart attack on Monday morning between eight and nine. That is the time, of course, when most people are getting ready to go to jobs that they don’t like, jobs that are making them sick.” Les Brown
Now I understand that sometimes you have to do things you aren’t thrilled about, I understand the kids need to be fed and you have become accustomed to living indoors, but you should be looking for a way to move out of that job and develop your skills in something that makes you the person you are supposed to be. You need to be working on your lives purpose.
You see if you know what your life purpose is you won’t care what day it is, you will want to get at it and work on it.
Jobs create boredom and hopelessness, your life purpose will excite you to the point you can’t leave it alone and you have to work on it. It becomes a passion.
How do you find out what your life purpose is? I guess I should write a post about that.
Chat soon and God Bless