Have you ever made a New Year’s resolutions that you didn’t follow through on. Maybe a weight goal, an income goal, a relationship goal or career goal but with each of these you had every intention that you would to successful.
Hi and welcome back to BarrWorld.com and today we are going to talk about the habit of most people to make New Year’s Resolutions but are unable to keep them. Research shows that by the end of January that the majority of people have forgotten (92%) the thing they wanted to change.
What is the reason people make any type of resolution? The basis of anything we do is to make life better. We want to lose 30 pounds so we look better. We want to increase my income because we want to reduce the worry of money and make us feel better. We want to be in a relationship or out of a relationship because we want something better. We want to achieve a career goal so that we can live better.
So how come only 8% of people achieve the resolution at any level at all? I would suggest that they were not prepared for the changes that would be needed to be successful.
Start making next year better today.
There is a difference between goals and resolutions. Resolutions are usually made in the heat of the moment. Usually you have made a decision to dramatically change a behavior but without a support system for you resolution it’s almost impossible to be successful. A goal should have a well thought out plan to achieve it. So if you in the habit of make a resolution here are some ideas about making yourself more successful.
- Make your choice wisely. Make sure this is something you really want. Don’t make a quick decision about what you want. Think if through. If it isn’t something you can commit to then don’t make the decision. You need to have a reason or a why that is bigger than the status quo.
- Choose your support network carefully. Everyone needs some support so choose who you need based on the fact that they will support you and will encourage you when the going is hard.
- Have a reasonable time-frame. Use the SMART goals framework to make your resolution more attainable. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. In the process of writing out your resolutions, you should use this frame work to make your resolutions more like goals.
- Look for a model. Find someone that has done what you are trying to do and learn from them.
- Do the work. Every worthwhile resolution needs some effort to be attached to it. Make sure you are aware of the amount of time and energy needed to be successful
- Don’t quit. Depending on the type of resolution you have made and the amount of change you are trying to accomplish, small setbacks are possible
So let’s make 2016 the best year ever by thinking through your resolutions and making good well informed decisions before the bell drops
Have you considered a New Year’s Resolution? Drop me a comments and tell me what it is.
God Bless and Chat Soon